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<img post-id="916" fifu-featured="1" width="1200" src="https://i0.wp.com/assets.iflscience.com/assets/articleNo/77498/aImg/81268/roughskin-dogfish-meta.png?w=1200&resize=1200,0&ssl=1" class="attachment-post-thumbnail size-post-thumbnail wp-post-image" alt="Watch World First Footage Of Roughskin Dogfish In The Depths Of The Caribbean Sea" title="Watch World First Footage Of Roughskin Dogfish In The Depths Of The Caribbean Sea" decoding="async"/><br />
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<p>Did you hear about the fascinating discovery made by researchers in the deep Caribbean waters? Utilizing a deep baited remote underwater video system (dBRUVS) near Little Cayman, a dedicated team filmed a roughskin dogfish at an astonishing depth of 1,054 meters (3,458 feet). This marks the first documentation of the species in the Greater Antilles and the Cayman Islands!</p><br />
<p>The roughskin dogfish, scientifically referred to as Centroscymnus owstonii, is a small shark species that was initially identified around the Japanese Islands. Although its distribution is rather sporadic globally, there is still a significant lack of knowledge surrounding this elusive shark. Interestingly, most of what we know about its ecology has come from incidental catches by fisheries.</p><br />
<p>During their dive, the researchers were thrilled to record not just a single roughskin dogfish but three of them, gracefully circling the bait. Altogether, they captured nearly 11 minutes of rare footage. This unprecedented observation offers valuable insights into the biology and behavior of this deep-sea shark and enhances our understanding of marine biodiversity in the area.</p><br />
<p>The research team is optimistic that the dBRUVS technology can transform the way we explore deep-sea environments and conduct biodiversity surveys, unlocking new perspectives on underwater ecosystems. Their exciting findings have been published in the Journal of Fish Biology, highlighting the crucial role that underwater technology plays in unraveling the secrets of our oceans.</p><br />
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